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The name Renegade Lacrosse was chosen as a tribute to my high school mascot, the Renegade.  During high school, with the help of my coaches and teammates, I became extremely passionate about playing sports.  High school provided me a challenging and deeply meaningful athletic experience that shaped the athlete and woman I am today.  When I thought about a name for an organization that would shape and influence the development of young women, Renegade came naturally.


If you are unfamiliar with lacrosse, like my parents were when I first started playing, I can almost promise you will fall in love with it.  It is a beautiful game.  Native Americans are the creators and called it the medicine game.  The Iroquois continue to play the game created by their ancestors and compete in World Lacrosse tournament play.  A history of Iroquois Nationals Lacrosse can be found here


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